Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Lovely Day for a Ride on the Trainer

The weather outside is gorgeous - hot as hades and humid as all get out, but definitely one of those blue sky dreams that I love. 

I didn't get to my 3 miler yesterday because Mr. Darcy had to be somewhere all the way across town at 8 am so I took the little ladies to daycare.  I was all dressed for the run.  The big plan was to do it after dropping the girls off but before beginning work.  No such luck.  I think the girls think it's a treat when I take them to daycare, which makes me rather happy but also makes it very difficult to get them out of the house.  When we did make it into the car, they really cracked me up.  They each had selected a stuffed animal to bring with them to school, or as they call them, their "animal friends."  Angelfish chose her blue fox (who looks more like a cartoony type of fox than a real fox) aptly named "Foxie" and and Ladybug had picked "Bunny" (a pink bunny who has been her snuggly for daycare since she was 11 months old).  There they sat pretending to play hide and seek with each other AND their animal friends while strapped into their car seats.  Angelfish even does a special voice for Foxie when she has conversations with her or for what Foxie says to Ladybug (or anyone else for that matter).  It's quite cute.  While I wish I had found the time for my 3 mile run, I'm glad I didn't have to miss out on the car ride.

But today, it made me antsy for my bike ride.  On such a glorious day, I was raring to go and then I remembered... I had a trainer workout.  I let the dog out before getting the kids up and realized it was a bit hot and muggy already.  So I decided the trainer wasn't such a bad option afterall.

After getting the girls ready and ignoring Ladybug while she had a tantrum about how the bow on the back of her dress was tied, spending a little bit of time with Angelfish while she ate her muffins (the girl loves muffins), and Mr. Darcy showing me a video of soldiers surprising their loved ones upon returning home (within 5 seconds of the start I was crying), we got everyone into the car and off they went.  Mr. Darcy may or may not be going on a business trip today.  I'm not even sure if he took a suitcase with him when he left.  He said that he doesn't see the point of going when all he is doing is sitting next to someone while they work on a program called Revit so that they can ask him questions if they come up.  He feels like he can do that over the phone, but I can see the benefit for the person in having Mr. Darcy show the use of revit not just tell it.  He had a meeting at UCF and then is going into the office and then will determine fully (with the parties involved) whether to go to West Palm Beach or not. 

Anyway, once they were off, I put in the movie "Becoming Jane" - if you're a Jane Austen fan, you'll love the movie.  It's fiction but based on some recently discovered letters that indicated that Jane Austen had fallen madly in love with a man but was unable to marry him.  Great stuff, wonderful acting, and I love the way the scenes are set up.  So I spent my hour on the bike watching the movie while doing a 10 minute warm up with a cadence of 90, 5 x 1 minute one legged pedaling (for each leg), 10 minutes at a cadence of 90, 2x5 minutes in a hard gear (my leg muscles were really tight after these) with 2 minutes recovery in between, 2x5 minutesat a cadence of 100, with 1 minute recovery in between, and 6 minute cool down.  It took me right to the part of the movie where the Judge (her boyfriend's uncle) refuses to give consent to her marriage.

It was interesting because while I was watching, there's a point where they were trying to get her to accept the proposal of a Lord with quite a bit of money and her father says to her, "There is nothing that breaks the spirit like poverty."  And I couldn't help but think of the kids at the Callahan Center.  But I kept pedaling.

I have work (of course), a bit of laundry to finish up, the house needs to be straightened (somewhere it looks like I've been the only one picking up after myself... and the girls have been a bit of whirling dirvishes leaving toys in their wake), we're pretty much out of groceries (somehow we never made it to the grocery this weekend), and the girls have gymnastics after "school."  So, I have a feeling I'll be a bit busy!  I'm thinking laundry and house straightening during my lunch hour.  I'd rather go to yoga at the Y for my lunch hour, but no such luck today.  Not much else is "afoot" around here.

We're counting down the days until vacation (10, should you be curious), and the girls are counting down the days until their birthday.  We're having their birthday the Friday of our vacation, so I have 10 days to purchase the needed baking items (I've found a way to come close to the same dimensions of the cake instructions without the need to purchase a $20 1/2 sheet cake pan... yay!) and 15 days to figure out how to make roses out of icing.  I've watched about 5 U Tube videos on the topic, but I need to find a way to physically try it out.  I even learned a new word "torting" and it's not legal related (as in torts), but means cutting an existing cake into thin layers and then either icing or filling the space between the new found layers.  I can honestly say that I am glad that this cake will NOT entail such a thing.  I'm thinking I need an updated  To Do List...

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