Thursday, October 1, 2009

Life After the HIM Begins...

After reading the comments from yesterday, particularly Big Daddy Diesel's - and the article he provided the link to - I am taking the advice and reconnecting with my life as well as planning for next season.  I have to say that planning for next season has been taunting me with lots of 70.3 distance races.  But, I promised Mr. Darcy no 70.3's next year and it makes sense to spend my 2nd year of triathlon life actually getting better at triathlon and working on speed.  This I know, but the temptation still remains. 

Training Buddy and I were emailing yesterday to see how each other was doing and he said he's already planning out his next 70.3 race.  I told him I couldn't help but be thinking about what could be next on the schedule and planning for next season, let alone knowing what to do with myself during recovery.  He told me that his wife told him "for some people, a switch is clicked. It is almost an audible "click". And then you are hooked.. For those without the flipped switch, it is very hard to figure out.. For those of us with the switch stuck in the "on" position, we don't know what we did before this."

Mrs. Training Buddy is a verifiable prophet.  The truth of those words just hangs in the air.  I remember my very 1st triathlon this past January.  At the end of the modified sprint (we swam in a heated yet outdoor pool, I rode a hybrid bike, and could barely run the 3.2 miles at the end), when I crossed the cones that served as the finish line I said "I'm done?"  and a few minutes later "When's my next race?"  Since then I've lived and breathed triathlon.  And I really can't imagine life without it.... or even what I did with my time before this.

You know you've got the bug bad when you're cleaning and discover that the new issue of Triathlete magazine has arrived but been put where you didn't know it was there and you get annoyed.  It's a magazine for goodness sakes, but one that I read cover to cover at least twice.  I used to read my National Geographic like that.  Don't get me wrong.  I still love me some National Geographic, but Triathlete will win every time.

This weekend I have decided that we will decorate for Halloween.  Angela's favorite holiday was Halloween.  She loved the creepy stories, the ideas of witches, warlocks, goblins, and all the bumps in the night.  So this year (and every year from now on), I plan to decorate for the holiday.  I used to let it come and go, but we need more love of costumes, spookiness, and fun in this world. 

Mr. Darcy may not be as thrilled, but that may be because I have a project for the family to do.  It's much less expensive than purchasing what I want, but it will be a time drain on our Saturday.  We will be building this:

As you can see, I don't think small.  Of course, I'm not sure that we can build the lighting that they have here, but it will be fun to have in the yard.  And we'll be able to use it year after year.  I'm also thinking cheesecloth spread out like spider web for the front porch and a pumpkin with holes carved in and plastic critters like mice, spiders, and snakes coming out.  Pumpkins on the mantlepiece inside the house, perhaps.  Nothing to scary, but lots of fun.  I figure Mr. Darcy will handle the jigsaw and the hammer and act as foreman, but the girls and I can help trace the images onto the plywood, paint, and maybe use the screwdriver to help attach the posts.  A family project.  We'll see how it goes.  I have a feeling poor Mr. Darcy will end up with the brunt of the work while I chase Angelfish and Ladybug down the road as they practice their "trimyathlons" on their trykes.

Speaking of which, I love their idea of transition from the bike to run.  They just jump off the bike and take off running.  The bike usually ends up on it side or rolling off somewhere, but they laugh like mad.

We also have a soccer game on Saturday.  I'm about to give up with soccer.  Yesterday's practice consisted of their refusing to play and refusing to listen to me when I told them they have to stay seated and watch practice if they were not going to participate.  We ended up leaving about 3/4 of the way through because I had lost my patience with it all.  I didn't pay $65 per child (plus shoes and shinguards) to watch other kids play soccer.  I should know that they are 3 year olds and this might be too much for them at this age.  But it's hard to remember that when I'm sitting there and they're clinging to me like saran wrap to a bowl of leftovers.  Not to mention that the other moms, while nice, know each other because their kids go to the same daycare (different from the one the little ladies go to) and it's like having to make your way into the cool cliche when you've got almost nothing in common.  But I figure we'll give Saturday's game one more try.  We'll miss the next 2 practices and the next game while we're in Seattle (and the surrounding area) for vacation, and then give it another whirl.
This morning I thought I should have signed them up for gymnastics and or dance.  Angelfish loves to show me how she can do a somersault and do "plits" (Angelfish, unless pushed does not use the letter S to start words that have the letter S in them.  I'm hoping this goes away by the time she's 3 1/2.  If it doesn't I may bring her to the doctor.  She can say it, but seems to choose not to.  If you get her to repeat the word correctly she'll do it right.  Anyway.  I probably worry too much.)  Ladybug meanwhile was singing "Let's have a party. Sing a song as much as you want. Now sing!"   I used it to get them to party into the car, but then had to sing the entire way to daycare.  Finally, I sung badly enough that Angelfish requested I stop singing.  Meanwhile, she was in the back with a picture her sister had drawn for her rolled up and using it like a microphone!  Of course, they may just be more like Mr. Darcy and enjoy to be at home.  I'm the adventurer in the household... thus the trip to Seattle.
 I'm having a hot stone massage this afternoon at my doctor's office, and it may just very well be the highlight of my day.  It felt so strange not to train this morning (it's a day off - tommorrow is a whopping 30 minutes on the stationary bike or trainer staying in zone 1, just to get my muscles moving).  Even Mr. Darcy asked me if I had a workout this morning. I got a cup of coffee from Starbucks after taking the girls to daycare - I had a gift certificate with a little left on it and only had to pay 25 cents for a tall non-fat, decaf, cafe latte.  It put a smile on my face but isn't the same as the feeling after you've cycled for 35 miles.  Not bad, just different. 
Luckily recovery can't last super long because I'll be building that endurance core and I've talked a little to Coach about adding some weights into the routine to try to help get faster (not to mention add even more muscle tone - Mr. Darcy said to me yesterday morning "you're legs are really toning up" - yes, I'd like to hear more flab to fab, please!).  The recovery period for me is hopefully going to be about gaining speed - especially in the run since I'll be tackling a 1/2 marathon in March.
In the meantime, we have our family vacation to Seattle (which will include the Cascade Park, Victoria Island in Canada - as irony would have it we'll be there the weekend of the Royal Victoria Marathon - Gig Harbor, and Mt. Rainer areas).  Airplanes with 3 year olds.  I must like torture. : )  And when I get back I have my "Ladies Dinner Club" that I started and that is starting to shape up a bit. Not to mention Junior League Provisional requirements to fulfill.  A rolling stone gathers no moss, they say.
Looking at this post, I'm not sure I'm fully at the place where I'm reconnecting with my life just yet but at least I'm giving it a try.  And a girls' allowed to dream and plan for the next tri season, right?

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